Xpath - How To Get Inner Text Data Littered With
I have HTML text like this data &l
This is some important data Even this is data this is useful too
Solution 1:
Based on your edit, maybe you can use the XPath string()
function. For example:
>>> doc.xpath('string(//p)')
'\n Thisissome important data\n \n Even this is data\n \n this is useful too\n '
(original answer follows)
If you're getting back the text you want in multiple pieces:
('Thisissome important data','Even this is data','this is useful too')
Why not just join those pieces?
>>> ' '.join(doc.xpath('//p/text()'))
['\n This is some important data\n ', '\n Even this is data\n ', '\n this is useful too\n ']
You can even get rid of the line breaks:
>>> ' '.join(x.strip() for x in doc.xpath('//p/text()'))
'Thisissome important data Even this is data this is useful too'
If you wanted the "inner html" of the p
element, you could call lxml.etree.tostring
on all of it's children:
>>> ''.join(etree.tostring(x) for x in doc.xpath('//p')[0].getchildren())
'<br/>\n Even this is data\n <br/>\n this is useful too\n '
NB: All of these examples assume:
>>>from lxml import etree>>>doc = etree.parse(open('myfile.html'),... parser=etree.HTMLParser())
Solution 2:
You can also expose your own functions in XPath:
import lxml.html, lxml.etree
raw_doc = '''
This is some important data
Even this is data
this is useful too
doc = lxml.html.fromstring(raw_doc)
ns = lxml.etree.FunctionNamespace(None)
defcat(context, a):
return [''.join(a)]
ns['cat'] = cat
which prints
'\nThis issome important data\n\nEven this is data\n\nthis is useful too\n'
You can perform the transformations however you like using this method.
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