A Better Way To Load Mongodb Data To A Dataframe Using Pandas And Pymongo?
I have a 0.7 GB MongoDB database containing tweets that I'm trying to load into a dataframe. However, I get an error. MemoryError: My code looks like this: cursor = tweets.fin
Solution 1:
I've modified my code to the following:
cursor = tweets.find(fields=['id'])
tweet_fields = ['id']
result = DataFrame(list(cursor), columns = tweet_fields)
By adding the fields parameter in the find() function I restricted the output. Which means that I'm not loading every field but only the selected fields into the DataFrame. Everything works fine now.
Solution 2:
The fastest, and likely most memory-efficient way, to create a DataFrame from a mongodb query, as in your case, would be using monary.
This post has a nice and concise explanation.
Solution 3:
an elegant way of doing it would be as follows:
import pandas as pd
if x :
return result
df = pd.DataFrame(list(cursor))
df['result_col'] = df['col_to_be_processed'].apply(lambda value: my_transform_logic(value))
#making list off dictionaries
# or update
#make a list of cursors.. you can read the parallel_scan api of pymongo
cursors = mongo_collection.parallel_scan(6)
for cursor in cursors:
I tried the above process on a mongoDB collection with 2.6 million records using Joblib on the above code. My code didnt throw any memory errors and the processing finished in 2 hrs.
Solution 4:
The from_records
is probably the best way to do it:
from pandas import pd
import pymongo
client = pymongo.MongoClient()
data = db.mydb.mycollection.find() # or db.mydb.mycollection.aggregate(pipeline)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data)
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