Cannot Setup Scrapy On Windows
Solution 1:
On this blog:
it says Scrapy on Python 3 doesn't work in Windows environments yet
Edit: I recently installed scrapy on Ubuntu for Python 3.5 and received a lot of errors. The errors stopped after: "sudo apt-get install python3.5-dev".
Solution 2:
I add the follow package and it works:
pip install twisted-win==0.5.5
Solution 3:
Try to create a virtual env:
pip install virtualenv (instalation) virtualenv -p python3.3.5 envName (creation with specific python version) source ./envName/bin/activate (activate virtual env)
This way you can guarantee that's the right python version. Also scrapy has some requirements that can't be installed via pip and this may cause your pip install scrapy to fail
So install at your computer: python-dev libxslt1-dev libxslt1.1 libxml2-dev libxml2 libssl-dev
After this you finaly be able to install scrapy via pip inside your virtual env (probably)
Sry for my poor English isn't my native lang. Hope this work =]
Solution 4:
Installation of Scrapy
on Windows may facing error while installing Twisted
- Download
according to your Python and windows version on this site - Turn to your download folder and
pip install <downloaded filename>
pip install scrapy
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