Download Big Files Via Ftp With Python
Solution 1:
Sorry if i answer my own question, but I found the solution.
I tryed ftputil with no success, so i tryed many way and finally, this works:
def ftp_connect(path):
link = FTP(host = '', timeout = 5) #Keep low timeout
link.login(passwd = 'ftppass', user = 'ftpuser')
debug("%s - Connected to FTP" % strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H.%M"))
downloaded = open('/local/path/to/file.tgz', 'wb')
def debug(txt):
print txt
link = ftp_connect(path)
file_size = link.size(filename)
max_attempts = 5#I dont want death loops.while file_size != downloaded.tell():
debug("%s while > try, run retrbinary\n" % strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H.%M"))
if downloaded.tell() != 0:
link.retrbinary('RETR ' + filename, downloaded.write, downloaded.tell())
link.retrbinary('RETR ' + filename, downloaded.write)
except Exception as myerror:
if max_attempts != 0:
debug("%s while > except, something going wrong: %s\n \tfile lenght is: %i > %i\n" %
(strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H.%M"), myerror, file_size, downloaded.tell())
link = ftp_connect(path)
max_attempts -= 1else:
debug("Done with file, attempt to download m5dsum")
In my log file i found:
01-12-201123.30 - Connected to FTP
01-12-201123.30while > try, run retrbinary
02-12-201100.31while > except, something going wrong: timed out
file lenght is: 1754695793 > 175469579302-12-201100.31 - Connected to FTP
Done with file, attempt to download m5dsum
Sadly, i have to reconnect to FTP even if the file has been fully downloaded, that in my cas is not a problem, becose i have to download the md5sum too.
As you can see, I'm not been able to detect the timeout and retry the connection, but when i got timeout, I simply reconnect again; If someone know how to reconnect without creating a new ftplib.FTP instance, let me know ;)
Solution 2:
I implemented code with ftplib which can monitor connection, reconnect and redownload file in case of failure. Details here: How to download big file in python via ftp (with monitoring & reconnect)?
Solution 3:
You might try setting the timeout. From the docs:
# timeout in secondslink = FTP(host=ftp_host, user=ftp_user, passwd=ftp_pass, acct='', timeout=3600)
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