Finding K-nearest Neighbors For A Given Vector?
Given that I have the following in my knowledge-database: 1 0 6 20 0 0 6 20 1 0 3 6 0 0 3 6 1 0 15 45 0 0 15 45 1 0 17 44 0 0 17 44 1 0 2 5 0 0 2 5 I want
Solution 1:
In Python (from
defcount_different_values(k_v1s, k_v2s):
"""kv1s and kv2s should be dictionaries mapping keys to
values. count_different_values() returns the number of keys in
k_v1s and k_v2s that don't have the same value"""
ks = set(k_v1s.iterkeys()) | set(k_v2s.iterkeys())
returnsum(1for k in ks if k_v1s.get(k) != k_v2s.get(k))
defsum_square_diffs(x0s, x1s):
"""x1s and x2s should be equal-lengthed sequences of numbers.
sum_square_differences() returns the sum of the squared differences
of x1s and x2s."""sum((pow(x1-x2,2) for x1,x2 inzip(x1s,x2s)))
defincr(x_c, x, inc=1):
"""increments the value associated with key x in dictionary x_c
by inc, or sets it to inc if key x is not in dictionary x_c."""
x_c[x] = x_c.get(x, 0) + inc
defcount_items(xs, x_c=None):
"""returns a dictionary x_c whose keys are the items in xs, and
whose values are the number of times each item occurs in xs."""if x_c == None:
x_c = {}
for x in xs:
incr(x_c, x)
return x_c
"""returns the second element in a sequence"""return xy[1]
"""returns the most frequent item in xs"""
x_c = count_items(xs)
returnsorted(x_c.iteritems(), key=second, reverse=True)[0][0]
"""This is a k-nearest-neighbour classifer."""def__init__(self, train_data, k, distf):
self.train_data = train_data
self.k = min(k, len(train_data))
self.distf = distf
defclassify(self, x):
Ns = sorted(self.train_data,
key=lambda xy: self.distf(xy[0], x))
return most_frequent((y for x,y in Ns[:self.k]))
defbatch_classify(self, xs):
return [self.classify(x) for x in xs]
deftrain(train_data, k=1, distf=count_different_values):
"""Returns a kNN_classifer that contains the data, the number of
nearest neighbours k and the distance function"""return kNN_classifier(train_data, k, distf)
also another implementation of
#!/usr/bin/env python# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its# license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included# as part of this package."""
This module provides code for doing k-nearest-neighbors classification.
k Nearest Neighbors is a supervised learning algorithm that classifies
a new observation based the classes in its surrounding neighborhood.
distance The distance between two points in the feature space.
weight The importance given to each point for classification.
kNN Holds information for a nearest neighbors classifier.
train Train a new kNN classifier.
calculate Calculate the probabilities of each class, given an observation.
classify Classify an observation into a class.
Weighting Functions:
equal_weight Every example is given a weight of 1.
"""import numpy
"""Holds information necessary to do nearest neighbors classification.
classes Set of the possible classes.
xs List of the neighbors.
ys List of the classes that the neighbors belong to.
k Number of neighbors to look at.
self.classes = set()
self.xs = []
self.ys = []
self.k = Nonedefequal_weight(x, y):
"""equal_weight(x, y) -> 1"""# everything gets 1 votereturn1deftrain(xs, ys, k, typecode=None):
"""train(xs, ys, k) -> kNN
Train a k nearest neighbors classifier on a training set. xs is a
list of observations and ys is a list of the class assignments.
Thus, xs and ys should contain the same number of elements. k is
the number of neighbors that should be examined when doing the
knn = kNN()
knn.classes = set(ys)
knn.xs = numpy.asarray(xs, typecode)
knn.ys = ys
knn.k = k
return knn
defcalculate(knn, x, weight_fn=equal_weight, distance_fn=None):
"""calculate(knn, x[, weight_fn][, distance_fn]) -> weight dict
Calculate the probability for each class. knn is a kNN object. x
is the observed data. weight_fn is an optional function that
takes x and a training example, and returns a weight. distance_fn
is an optional function that takes two points and returns the
distance between them. If distance_fn is None (the default), the
Euclidean distance is used. Returns a dictionary of the class to
the weight given to the class.
x = numpy.asarray(x)
order = [] # list of (distance, index)if distance_fn:
for i inrange(len(knn.xs)):
dist = distance_fn(x, knn.xs[i])
order.append((dist, i))
# Default: Use a fast implementation of the Euclidean distance
temp = numpy.zeros(len(x))
# Predefining temp allows reuse of this array, making this# function about twice as fast.for i inrange(len(knn.xs)):
temp[:] = x - knn.xs[i]
dist = numpy.sqrt(,temp))
order.append((dist, i))
# first 'k' are the ones I want.
weights = {} # class -> number of votesfor k in knn.classes:
weights[k] = 0.0for dist, i in order[:knn.k]:
klass = knn.ys[i]
weights[klass] = weights[klass] + weight_fn(x, knn.xs[i])
return weights
defclassify(knn, x, weight_fn=equal_weight, distance_fn=None):
"""classify(knn, x[, weight_fn][, distance_fn]) -> class
Classify an observation into a class. If not specified, weight_fn will
give all neighbors equal weight. distance_fn is an optional function
that takes two points and returns the distance between them. If
distance_fn is None (the default), the Euclidean distance is used.
weights = calculate(
knn, x, weight_fn=weight_fn, distance_fn=distance_fn)
most_class = None
most_weight = Nonefor klass, weight in weights.items():
if most_classisNoneor weight > most_weight:
most_class = klass
most_weight = weight
return most_class
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