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Get Current Function Name Inside That Function Using Python

For my logging purpose i want to log all the names of functions where my code is going Does not matter who is calling the function , i want the the function name in which i declare

Solution 1:

For my logging purpose i want to log all the names of functions where my code is going

Have you considered decorators?

import functools
    @functools.wraps(f)defwrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        return f(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped

    print("Doing some stuff")

Solution 2:

Call sys._getframe() to get a frame class instance. The f_code.co_name member holds the function name.


Add a simple helper function func_name() to wrap the call

import sys

def func_name(): 
    return sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name

def func1():

func1()  # prints 'func1'

Solution 3:

This simple reusable method returns a name of the caller/parent function:

def current_method_name():
    # [0] isthis method's frame, [1] is the parent's frame - which we want
    return inspect.stack()[1].function  


def whoami():


-> output iswhoami

Solution 4:

Adding an answer here as it can be useful to include the class name as well as the function.

This checks for self and cls convention, to include the class name.

    Return "class.function_name" of the caller or just "function_name".
    frame = sys._getframe(frame)
    fn_name = frame.f_code.co_name
    var_names = frame.f_code.co_varnames
    if var_names:
        if var_names[0] == "self":
            self_obj = frame.f_locals.get("self")
            if self_obj isnotNone:
                returntype(self_obj).__name__ + "." + fn_name
        if var_names[0] == "cls":
            cls_obj = frame.f_locals.get("cls")
            if cls_obj isnotNone:
                return cls_obj.__name__ + "." + fn_name
    return fn_name

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