How Do I Have Python Httplib Accept Untrusted Certs?
Solution 1:
Some of my scripts stopped working after updating my computer. Turns out, this was the problem:
Changed in version 2.7.9: context was added.
This class now performs all the necessary certificate and hostname checks by default. To revert to the previous, unverified, behavior ssl._create_unverified_context() can be passed to the context parameter.
So if your version of Python is >= 2.7.9 (2.7.10 in my case), you'll likely run into this. To fix it, I updated my call:
httplib.HTTPSConnection(hostname, timeout=5, context=ssl._create_unverified_context())
This is likely the simplest change to retain the same behavior.
Solution 2:
From inspecting the Python 2.7.14 source code, you may set an environment variable
and this will cause certificate verification to be disabled by default (this will apply to all requests from your program).
I believe this works from 2.7.12+ - but it does not apply to 3.x.
Ref. PEP 493: Verify HTTPS by default, but allow envvar to override that
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