How To Convert Text In Pandas Dataframe (delete Punctuation, Split Text Into One Word Per Entry)
I am cleaning data from a .txt source. The file is including WhatsApp messages in every line, including date and time stamp. I already split all of that into one column holding dat
Solution 1:
import re
emoji_pattern = re.compile("["u"\U0001F600-\U0001F64F"# emoticonsu"\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF"# symbols & pictographsu"\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF"# transport & map symbolsu"\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF"# flags (iOS)u"\U00002702-\U000027B0"u"\U000024C2-\U0001F251""]+", flags=re.UNICODE)
df['new'] = (df['text_new'].str.lower() #lowercase
.str.replace(r'[^\w\s]+', '') #rem punctuation
.str.replace(emoji_pattern, '') #rem emoji
.str.strip() #rem trailing whitespaces
.str.split()) #split by whitespaces
df = pd.DataFrame({'text_new':['How are you?',
'I am fine, we should meet this afternoon!',
'Okay let us do that. \U0001f602']})
emoji_pattern = re.compile("["
u"\U0001F600-\U0001F64F"# emoticons
u"\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF"# symbols & pictographs
u"\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF"# transport & map symbols
u"\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF"# flags (iOS)
u"\U000024C2-\U0001F251""]+", flags=re.UNICODE)
import re
df['new'] = (df['text_new'].str.lower()
.str.replace(r'[^\w\s]+', '')
.str.replace(emoji_pattern, '')
print (df)
text_new \
0 How are you?
1 I am fine, we should meet this afternoon!
2 Okay let us do that. 😂
0 [how, are, you]
1 [i, am, fine, we, should, meet, this, afternoon]
2 [okay, let, us, do, that]
df['new'] = (df['text_new'].str.lower()
.str.replace(r'[^\w\s]+', '')
.str.replace(emoji_pattern, '')
print (df)
text_new \
0 How are you?
1 I am fine, we should meet this afternoon!
2 Okay let us do that. 😂
0 how are you
1 i am fine we should meet this afternoon
2 okay let us do that
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