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How To Output All The Lines Into Python Console In Vim?

I have set F2 prompt key with map :w:! D:\Python34\python %,when i open an python file in vim and press F2,the python file will be executed .For a si

Solution 1:

Avoid blocking

To make the call asynchonous (to avoid that GVIM is blocked during the Python session), use the Windows-specific :!start command:

nnoremap <f2> :w<cr>:!start D:\Python34\python -i %<cr>

List teh codez

I don't know whether it is possible to list the passed source code from the interactive Python debugger. But you can print the file contents before starting it:

nnoremap <f2> :w<cr>:!start cmd /c type % && D:\Python34\python -i %<cr>

Additional tips

  • You should use :noremap; it makes the mapping immune to remapping and recursion.
  • As your mapping only works correctly from normal mode, use :nnoremap (or extend it to support visual-mode selections, too).

Solution 2:

Maybe Vim plugin Conque will solve your problem:

  1. Installation instrucions are here
  2. To use just type :ConqueTermVSplit python -i (VSplit is for vertical split - you may use horizontal)
  3. There is no blocking of your window with python code - you may escape interactive mode and switch to your window with Ctrl+W twice

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