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How To Pass Sigint To Child Process With Python Subprocess.popen() Using Shell = True

I am currently trying to write (Python 2.7.3) kind of a wrapper for GDB, which will allow me to dynamically switch from scripted input to interactive communication with GDB. So far

Solution 1:

Here is what worked for me:

import signal
import subprocess

    p = subprocess.Popen(...)
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Solution 2:

I looked deeper into the problem and found some interesting things. Maybe these findings will help someone in the future.

When calling gdb vuln using suprocess.Popen() it does in fact create three processes, where the pid returned is the one of sh (5180).

ps-a5180 pts/000:00:00sh5181 pts/000:00:00gdb5183 pts/000:00:00vuln

Consequently sending a SIGINT to the process will in fact send SIGINT to sh.

Besides, I continued looking for an answer and stumbled upon this post

To keep it short, what is mentioned there is the following:

When pressing STRG+C while using gdb regularly SIGINT is in fact sent to the examined program (in this case vuln), then ptrace will intercept it and pass it to gdb. What this means is, that if I use self.process.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) it will in fact never reach gdb this way.

Temporary Workaround:

I managed to work around this problem by simply calling subprocess.popen() as follows:

subprocess.Popen("killall -s INT " + self.binary, shell = True)

This is nothing more than a first workaround. When multiple applications with the same name are running might do some serious damage. Besides, it somehow fails, if shell=True is not set. If someone has a better fix (e.g. how to get the pid of the process startet by gdb), please let me know.

Cheers, Mike


Thanks to Mark for pointing out to look at the ppid of the process. I managed to narrow down the process's to which SIGINT is sent using the following approach:

out = subprocess.check_output(['ps', '-Aefj'])
for line in out.splitlines():
    if self.binary in line:
        l = line.split(" ")
        while""in l:
        # Get sid and pgid of child process (/bin/sh)
        sid = os.getsid(
        pgid  = os.getpgid(
        #only true for target processif l[4] == str(sid) and l[3] != str(pgid):
            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT)

Solution 3:

I have done something like the following in the past and if I recollect it seemed to work for me :

def detach_procesGroup():


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