How To Split Columns And Merge Them As Rows?
I have a data frame as follows: ID Date ColA1 ColB1 ColA2 ColB2 ColA3 ColB3 id1 date1 1 2 3 4 5 6 id2 date2 7 8
Solution 1:
you need wide_to_long
pd.wide_to_long(df.reset_index(), stubnames = ['ColA', 'ColB'], i ='index', j ='value').reset_index(drop=True)
ColA ColB
Output without reset_index()
pd.wide_to_long(df.reset_index(), stubnames = ['ColA', 'ColB'], i = 'index', j = 'value')
ColA ColB
index value
Edit2 With the new data sample provide by OP:
pd.wide_to_long(df, stubnames = ['ColA', 'ColB'], i = ['ID', 'Date'], j = 'value').reset_index([0,1])
ID Date ColA ColB
1 id1 date1 1 2
2 id1 date1 3 4
3 id1 date1 5 6
1 id2 date2 7 8
2 id2 date2 9 10
3 id2 date2 11 12
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