Running Parameterized Queries
Quite new to this google bigquery sql thing so please bear with me. I'm trying to build a google standardSQL parameterized query. The following sample was used and ran successfully
Solution 1:
So ... the problem was with this line of code that didn't work as expected. Not sure why though, as it worked with queries that didn't have parameterized vars.
results = query_job.result()
df = results().to_dataframe()
And the actual code... Remember to replace with your own login credentials for this to work.
import datetime, time
from import bigquery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import pandas as pd
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file('your.json')
project_id = 'your-named-project'
client = bigquery.Client(credentials= credentials,project=project_id)
#The query
q_input = """
WITH time AS
SELECT TIMESTAMP_MILLIS(timestamp) AS trans_time,
inputs.input_pubkey_base58 AS input_key,
outputs.output_pubkey_base58 AS output_key,
outputs.output_satoshis AS satoshis,
transaction_id AS trans_id
FROM `bigquery-public-data.bitcoin_blockchain.transactions`
JOIN UNNEST (inputs) AS inputs
JOIN UNNEST (outputs) AS outputs
WHERE inputs.input_pubkey_base58 = @pubkey
OR outputs.output_pubkey_base58 = @pubkey
SELECT input_key, output_key, satoshis, trans_id,
EXTRACT(DATE FROM trans_time) AS date
FROM time
WHERE trans_time >= @mdate AND trans_time <= @tdate AND satoshis >= @satoshis
--ORDER BY date
"""#The desired purposedefrunQueryTransaction(varInitDate,varEndDate,pubkey,satoshis):
global df
query_params = [
bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('mdate', 'STRING', varInitDate),
bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('tdate', 'STRING', varEndDate),
bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('pubkey', 'STRING', pubkey),
bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('satoshis', 'INT64', satoshis),
job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig()
job_config.query_parameters = query_params
query_job = client.query(q_input,job_config=job_config) # API request - starts the query
results = query_job.result() # Waits for job to complete.
df=pd.DataFrame(columns=['input_key', 'output_key', 'satoshis', 'trans_id', 'date'])
for row in results:
df.loc[len(df)] = [row.input_key, row.output_key, row.satoshis, row.trans_id,]
#print("{} : {} : {} : {} : {}".format(row.input_key, row.output_key, row.satoshis, row.trans_id, df
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