Unpacking Variable Length List Returned From Function
Ok so I'm defining a function that takes a variable number of inputs and clamps each of them def clamp(*args): return [ max(min(arg, 0.8), 0.2) for arg in args] I like the rea
Solution 1:
I'm not very conviced but here is an alternative solution
>>>clam = lambda a: max(min(a, 0.8), 0.2)>>>defclamp(a, *args):...if args:...return [ clam(arg) for arg in (a,)+args]...else:...return clam(a)...>>>clamp(123, 123)
[0.8, 0.8]
Solution 2:
You can force it to unpack a single element by adding a comma after the name. Not ideal but here you go:
A, = clamp(a)
Solution 3:
def clamp(*args):
lst = [max(min(arg, 0.8), 0.2) forargin args]
return lst[0]
return lst
Solution 4:
I think when you call it with one element, you can add a ,
after the name. a, = clamp(1)
. In this case, you don't have to modify your function and the automatic unpacking still happens.
>>>a, b, c = [1,2,3]>>>a
>>>a, = [1]>>>a
Solution 5:
def clamp(*args):
rt = [max(min(arg, 0.8), 0.2) forargin args]
return rt iflen(rt) > 1else rt[0]
or else, remember how you make a tuple of one element. Put a comma after A
to force unpack for a single variable.
A, = clamp(0.12) # with your oldfunction which always returns list
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