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Attributeerror: 'editform' Object Has No Attribute 'validate_on_submit'

I have a small edit app with the files bellow. When I submit tbe form it shows me AttributeError: 'EditForm' object has no attribute 'validate_on_submit' Can anyone please tell me

Solution 1:

You imported the wrong Form object:

from import Formfrom wtforms import Form, TextField, BooleanField, PasswordField, TextAreaField, validators

The second import line imports Form from wtforms, replacing the import from flask_wtf. Remove Form from the second import line (and update your import to flask_wtfto remain future-proof):

from flask_wtf importFormfrom wtforms importTextField, BooleanField, PasswordField, TextAreaField, validators

Two additional notes:

  1. The form will take values from the request for you, no need to pass in request.form.

  2. validate_on_submit() tests for the request method too, no need to do so yourself.

The following then is enough:

@app.route('/edit', methods = ['GET', 'POST'])defedit():
    form = EditForm()

    if form.validate_on_submit():

And as of Flask-WTF version 0.13 (released 2016/09/29), the correct object to use is named FlaskForm, to make it easier to distinguish between it and the wtformsForm class:

from flask_wtf importFlaskForm

Solution 2:

When creating the form, you must be sure you added class EditForm(FlaskForm) to your class: That is where my bug was coming from.

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