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Compiling Pyx Files

I've just started to learn cython and this is the first time that I'm trying to compile .pyx files. I tried to run in my cmd: Cython fib.pyx which gave me my fib.c file. then I r

Solution 1:

I always compile my cython with one line of gcc:

gcc -shared -Wall -O3 -I Python27/include -L Python27/libs -o fib.c -l python27

You see, including the header files (-I) for python isn't enough. You also have to include the location of python's libraries (-L), and then the name of the file to use as that library (-l).

Happy Cythonizing!

Solution 2:

There is another solution that might come in handy with bigger projects. Instead of writing yourself the gcc call in the command line you can create a configuration file in python that cython will use to autogenerate C or C++ code and call the gcc compiler with the appropriate flags.

Simply create a file (or a filename of your preference). Then fill it with:

from distutils.coreimport setup
from distutils.extensionimportExtensionfromCython.Buildimport cythonize

ext = Extension("fib",

setup(ext_modules = cythonize([ext]))

Then in the terminal python build_ext --inplace.

This will generate a fib.cpp file and compile it to the shared object file as well as an object file fib.o (this last in a folder called build). After that, you can already import fib in your *.py files.

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