Count Males And Females Separately In A Nested Dict Format From Csv File
This code worked fine and it prints result in this format. I need results in a nested dict format like this. data = { 'year': { 'male': {'Q1': 1, '
Solution 1:
This is working solution:
import csv
import collections
data= {}
withopen('1000 Records.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
for row in csv_reader:
year_of_joining = int(row[17])
quarter_of_joining = row[15]
gender = 'male'if row[5] == 'M'else'female'if year_of_joining notin data:
data[year_of_joining]={'male': {f'Q{i + 1}': 0for i inrange(4)}, 'female': {f'Q{i + 1}': 0for i inrange(4)}}
data[year_of_joining][gender][quarter_of_joining] += 1
data = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(data.items())) # sortingfor year in data:
print("Male's and Female's: %s: %s" % (year, data[year]))
The only difference in code above is that it gives output in slightly different format, but I suspect it may be what you wanted in the first place:
Male's and Female's: 1993: {'male': {'Q1': 0, 'Q2': 0, 'Q3': 0, 'Q4': 1}, 'female': {'Q1': 0, 'Q2': 0, 'Q3': 0,
'Q4': 0}}
Male's and Female's: 1998: {'male': {'Q1': 0, 'Q2': 0, 'Q3': 0, 'Q4': 1}, 'female': {'Q1': 0, 'Q2': 0, 'Q3': 0,
'Q4': 0}}
Male's and Female's: 1999: {'male': {'Q1': 0, 'Q2': 1, 'Q3': 1, 'Q4': 0}, 'female': {'Q1': 0, 'Q2': 0, 'Q3': 0,
'Q4': 1}}
Male's and Female's: 2001: {'male': {'Q1': 0, 'Q2': 0, 'Q3': 0, 'Q4': 0}, 'female': {'Q1': 1, 'Q2': 0, 'Q3': 0,
'Q4': 0}}
Male's and Female's: 2003: {'male': {'Q1': 0, 'Q2': 0, 'Q3': 0, 'Q4': 0}, 'female': {'Q1': 0, 'Q2': 0, 'Q3': 0,
'Q4': 1}}
If not, let me know, I will modify it.
Solution 2:
You are close. Outside of your for year in years
keep a dictionary that stores the running results of yearly counts:
data = {}
for year in years:
data[year] = {'male':results['males'].get(year, 0),
'female':results['females'].get(year, 0)}
Solution 3:
I encountered a few errors in the code that supposedly "worked fine", so I fixed them too and optimized things a bit in the process. Below is the result using a simple sample CSV file I created for testing purposes:
import csv
from pprint import pprint
#YOJ, QOJ, GEN = 17, 15, 3
YOJ, QOJ, GEN = 0, 1, 2# For testing since no sample CSV provided.
results = {'males': {}, 'females': {}}
withopen('1000 Records.csv') as csv_file:
for row in csv.reader(csv_file):
year_of_joining = int(row[YOJ])
quarter_of_joining = int(row[QOJ])
gender = 'males'if row[GEN] == 'M'else'females'if year_of_joining notin results[gender]:
results[gender][year_of_joining] = {f'Q{i + 1}': 0for i inrange(4)}
QOJ_key = f'Q{quarter_of_joining+1}'# Convert to dict key format.
results[gender][year_of_joining][QOJ_key] += 1
years = sorted(results['males'].keys() | results['females'].keys())
data = {year: {'males': results['males'][year],
'females': results['females'][year]}
for year in years}
pprint(data, sort_dicts=False)
Sample output:
{1980: {'males': {'Q1':0, 'Q2':1, 'Q3':1, 'Q4':0},
'females': {'Q1':0, 'Q2':0, 'Q3':1, 'Q4':0}},
1981: {'males': {'Q1':0, 'Q2':0, 'Q3':1, 'Q4':0},
'females': {'Q1':0, 'Q2':0, 'Q3':0, 'Q4':2}}}
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