Creating A Usertracker Crashes In Nite2 Python Bindings
Solution 1:
I've finally been able to make it work but I trully think there's a mess with versions regarding Nite and primesense python bindings, so I'll share in case someone goes through the same problems.
When I posted the question I was using (as indicated) the python bindings downloaded from openNI website and Nite 2.2.
I tried downloading the latest version from pyPi, which is and then I got an error when initializing nite2 (nite2.initialize()
) because it wasn't able to find the method niteDumpUserTrackerCalibrationDataToFile
in the C API.
The "solution"? I downgraded Nite to version 2.0, where that method is actually present. I think this is not the best solution. The latest versions for Nite and its python bindings should work together without having to hack the code or downgrading.
To summarize: it's working for me with python bindinngs from pyPi and Nite 2.0.0, but is should work with Nite 2.2.
Solution 2:
Yes, niteDumpUserTrackerCalibrationDataToFile is missing from 2.2, but there also another problem in using NiTE 2.2 from Python.
NiTE 2.2 is not playing well with ONI file devices, because it says that it requires a "PrimeSense SOC" device. This can be discovered by enabling logging in NiTE.ini
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