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Enable Native Macos Mojave Dark Theme Pyside2/python Apps On Qt 5.12

I would like to know to enable the native MacOS Mojave Dark Theme (and if could be multiplatform win/linux, the better) which is supposed to be available from QT 5.12 (which I gues

Solution 1:

It's not clear how are you running your application. As a module

python -m application

For me with python 3.7.3 installed with homebrew just works.

But if you are using pyinstaller in the spec file in the section app = BUNDLE add this

   'NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance': 'No'

App bundles I create with this option work in Dark Mode or Light Mode the application changes the interface to use the appropriate one.

Solution 2:

For MacOS applications to support dark mode, they either need to be built against the macOS 10.14 or later SDK, or to include the 'NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance': 'No' property mentioned by @efrain.

See for further details.

To get dark mode when running your app directly with Python, you'll need to ensure your Python binary was built against macOS 10.4 or later. The easiest way to do this is probably to use pyenv to manage your Python installation.

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