How To Automatically Label A Cluster Of Words Using Semantics?
Solution 1:
Your best bet is probably is to label the clusters manually, especially if there are few of them. This a difficult problem even for humans to solve, because you might need a domain expert. Anyone claiming they could do that automatically and reliably (except in some very limited domains) is probably running a startup and trying to get your business.
Also, going through the clusters yourself will have benefits. 1) you may discover you had the wrong number of clusters (k parameter) or that there was too much junk in the input to begin with. 2) you will gain qualitative insight into what is being talked about and what topic there are in the data (which you probably can't know before looking at the data). Therefore, label manually if qualitative insight is what you are after. If you need quantitative result too, you could then train a classifier on the manually labelled topics to 1) predict topics for the rest of the clusters, or 2) for future use, if you repeat the clustering, get new data, ...
Solution 2:
When we talk about semantics in this area we mean Statistical Semantics. The statistical or distributional semantics is very different from other definitions of semantics which has logic and reasoning behind it. Statistical semantics is based on Distributional Hypothesis, which considers context as meaning aspect of words and phrases. Meaning in very abstract and general sense in different litterers is called topics. There are several unsupervised methods for modelling topics, such as LDA or even word2vec, which basically provide word similarity metric or suggest a list of similar words for a document as another context. Usually when you have these unsupervised clusters, you need a domain expert to tell the meaning of each cluster.
However, for several reasons you might accept low accuracy assignment of a word as the general topic (or as in your words "global semantic") to a list of phrases. If this is the case, I would suggest to take a look at Word Sense Disambiguation tasks which look for coarse grained word senses. For WordNet, it might be called supersense tagging task.
This paper worth to take a look: More or less supervised supersense tagging of Twitter
And about your question about choosing words from current phrases, there is also an active question about "converting phrase to vectors", my answer to that question in word2vec
fashion might be useful:
How can a sentence or a document be converted to a vector?
I can add more related papers later if it comes to my mind.
Solution 3:
The paper Automatic Labelling of Topic Models explains the author's approach to this problem. To provide an overview I can tell you that they generate some label candidates using the information retrieved from Wikipedia and Google, and once they have the list of candidates in place they rank those candidates to find the best label. I think the code is not available online, but I have not looked for it.
Solution 4:
The package chowmein claims to do this in python using the algorithm outlined in Automatic Labeling of Multinomial Topic Models.
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