How To Download And Save All Pdf From A Dynamic Web?
I am trying to download and save in a folder all the PDFs contained in some webs with dynamic elements i.e: Every
Solution 1:
You have to make a post http requests with appropriate json parameter. Once you get the response, you have to parse two fields objectId
and nombreFichero
to use them to build right links to the pdf's. The following should work:
import os
import json
import requests
url = ''
base = '{}&nameDoc={}'
payload = {"cod_categoria": 2,"cod_familia": 3,"divisaDestino": None,"vencimiento": None,"edadActuarial": None}
dirf = os.environ['USERPROFILE'] + "\Desktop\PdfFolder"ifnot os.path.exists(dirf):os.makedirs(dirf)
r =,json=payload)
for item in r.json():
objectId = item['objectId']
nombreFichero = item['nombreFichero'].replace(" ","_")
filename = nombreFichero.split('.')[-2] + ".PDF"
link = base.format(objectId,nombreFichero)
withopen(filename, 'wb') as f:
After executing the above script, wait a little for it to work as the site is real slow.
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