Load Module To Invoke Its Decorators
Solution 1:
As stated in the comments fot the question, you simply have to import the modules. As for linter complaints, those are the lesser of your problems. Linters are there to help - if they get into the way, just don't listen to them.
So, the simple way just to get your things working is, at the end of your __main__.py
or __init__.py
, depending on your app structure, to import explicitly all the modules that make use of the view decorator.
If you have a linter, check how to silence it on the import lines - that is usually accomplished with a special comment on the import line.
Python's introspection is fantastic, but it can't find instances of a class, or subclasses, if those are defined in modules that are not imported: such a module is just a text file sitting on the disk, like any data file.
What some frameworks offer as an approach is to have a "discovery" utility that will silently import all "py" files in the project folders. That way your views can "come into existence" without explicit imports.
You could use a function like:
import os
def discover(caller_file):
caller_folder = os.path.dirname(caller_file)
for current, folders, files inos.walk(caller_folder):
if current == "__pycache__":
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".py"):
__import__(os.path.join(current, file))
And call it on your main module with discover(__file__)
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