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Pillow And Jpeg2000: Decoder Jpeg2k Not Available

I'm trying to set up Flask-IIIF to work with jp2-files, or JPEG2000. Right out of the box I get an error from the Pillow library: IOError: decoder jpeg2k not available I've tried g

Solution 1:

for linux

sudo yum install -y libjpeg-devel
sudo pip uninstall pillow
sudo pip install pillow

for windows

# downloadimport imageio
# install
pip uninstall pillow
pip install pillow

Solution 2:

Pillow needs the OpenJPEG library to decode JPEG2000 files. libjpeg only deals with regular JPEGs.

See the note in the Pillow docs at the end of this section:

Solution 3:

Windows users: After you installed OpenJPEG and added its bin folder to PATH, you need to re-build the pillow library. Using Conda I didn't find a solution to do that so I ended up using the windows installer from PyPi as suggested in this answer here. The installer found my Anaconda installation and it seems it simply overwrote the pillow library there.

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