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Pretty Printing Polynomials With Dictionary Python

I'm struggling to create the __ str __ function (aka pretty print) with polynomials, where dictionaries are used to contain the powers as keys and the elements as coefficients. I h

Solution 1:

  1. Remove break statement because for loop will end(break) when exponent value is equal to 0.


classPolynomial(object):                                def__init__(self, coefficients):
        self.coefficients = coefficients

        polytostring = ' 'for exponent, coefficient inself.coefficients.iteritems():
            if exponent == 0:
                polytostring += '%s + ' % coefficient
                polytostring += '%sx^%s + ' % (coefficient, exponent)

        polytostring = polytostring.strip(" + ")

        return polytostring

dict1 = {0:1, 1:-1}
p1 = Polynomial(dict1)

dict2 = {1:1, 4:-6, 5:-1, 3:2}
p2 = Polynomial(dict2)

print "First:-", p1
print "Second:-", p2


$ python 
First:- 1 + -1x^1Second:- 1x^1 + 2x^3 + -6x^4 + -1x^5

Solution 2:

Something like this seems to work, if I understand your problem:

def format_term(coef, exp):
    ifexp == 0:
        return"%d" % coef
        return"%dx^%d" % (coef, exp)

def format_poly(d):
    items = sorted(d.items(), reverse=True)
    terms = [format_term(v,k) for (k,v) in items]
    return" + ".join(terms)

dict1 = {0:1,1:-1}
print(format_poly(dict1))    # -1x^1 + 1

dict2 = {1:1,4:-6,5:-1, 3:2}
print(format_poly(dict2))    # -1x^5 + -6x^4 + 2x^3 + 1x^1

It just sorted the (key,val) pairs by key, then formats each term, and joins the terms into a single string.

Solution 3:

This is compact

def__str__(self):return"".join("%+gx^%d"%(self.coefficients[e],e)for e insorted(self.coefficients.keys(),reverse=1))

and works...

Let's have a look at the expression that is returned, a piece at a time


One of the string methods is .join() that accepts a sequence of strings and joins them with the (in this case) null string, e.g.

" + ".join(["a", "b", "c"] => "a + b + c"

In our case the argument of join is

"%+gx^%d"%(self.coefficients[e],e)for e in sorted(self.coefficients.keys(),reverse=1)

that, parenthesized, is a generator expression, that, btw, is similar to an implicit for loop.

On the right there is

for e in sorted(self.coefficients.keys(),reverse=1))

that assign to the local variable e, in turn, the keys of self.coefficients in sorted and reversed order

and on the left there is the result of the generator expression, evaluated for each possible value of e


The expression above is known as string formatting or interpolation and works like this,

  1. the string on the left is a format string and the parts in it prefixed by % are _format specifiers, here %+g means generic formatting always prefixed by the sign and %d means integer digit, whats outside (here `x^``) is copied vebatim into the result,

  2. the % in the middle is the formatting operator itself

  3. the tuple (self.coefficients[e], e) is the argument of the format string, you mnust have a 1 to 1 correspondance between format specifiers and arguments

At this point we have all the pieces in place... in a more colloquial form it could be

    # generated a correctly sorted list of exponents
    exps = sorted(self.coefficients.keys(),reverse=True)
    # generate a corretctly sorted list of coefficients
    coefs = [self.coefficients[e] for e in exps]
    # generate a list of formatted strings, one for each term
    reps = [ "%+gx^%d" % (c, e) for c, e inzip(coefs, exps)]
    # join the formatted strings
    poly_rep = "".join(reps)
    # let's end this storyreturn poly_rep

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