Python 3.3 - Connect With Oracle Database
Is there a module for python 3.3 to connect with Oracle Databases? Which is the easiest to use? Something like the mysql module, only works with Oracle. Preferably version 10g, but
Solution 1:
There is:cx_Oracle
# Install --> You should have oracle installed otherwise exception will be raised
pip install cx_Oracle
import cx_Oracle
con = cx_Oracle.connect('pythonhol/welcome@')
print con.version
Solution 2:
if you're using python3
pip3 install cx_Oracle
How to connet oracle and get oracle time:
#!/usr/bin/python3#coding=utf8# import moduleimport cx_Oracle
con = cx_Oracle.connect('username/password@databasename')
# create cursor
cursor = con.cursor()
# execute sql
cursor.execute('select sysdate from dual')
# fetch one data, or fetchall()
data = cursor.fetchone()
print('Database time:%s' % data)
# close cursor and oracle
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