Python - Regex Not Escaping Parentheses In Alphanumeric String With Symbols And A Variable Passed In To Method
This regex is supposed to find a string that finds something in this format exactly: 201308 - (82608) - MAC 2233-007-Methods of Calculus - Lastname, Lee.txt The only caveat is the
Solution 1:
Some things seem very strange for me:
is aberrant because\b
means "Matches the empty string, but only at the beginning or end of a word`" but here it's between two symbols meaning whitespace, that is to say not at beginning or end of a word.the antislash in
provokes an error. I wonder what it's supposed to mean here. Do you want an antislash as a possible character of the sett ? then write[A-z\\\\a-z]
This regex matches your example string:
r = re.compile(term +
("\s-\s""\(\d{5}\)""\s-\s""\w{3}\s\d{4}-\d{3}-""[a-zA-Z ]+""\s-\s""[A-za-z]+,\s""[A-Za-z]+ *.txt"))
Solution 2:
matches the string you sent in as an example. If the initial value is unknown, term + '\s-\s\(\d{5}\)\s-\s\w{3}\s\d{4}-\d{3}-[^\.]+\.txt'
should do it (provided term
plays nice for the regex).
adding a test run sample:
>>>term = '201308'>>>f = '201308 - (82608) - MAC 2233-007-Methods of Calculus - Klingler, Lee.txt'>>> + '\s-\s\(\d{5}\)\s-\s\w{3}\s\d{4}-\d{3}-[^\.]+\.txt', f).group(0)
'201308 - (82608) - MAC 2233-007-Methods of Calculus - Klingler, Lee.txt'
yet another:
>>>f = '/somefolder/somefolder2/201308 - (82608) - MAC 2233-007-Methods of Calculus - Klingler, Lee.txt'>>> + '\s-\s\(\d{5}\)\s-\s\w{3}\s\d{4}-\d{3}-[^\.]+\.txt', f).group(0)
'201308 - (82608) - MAC 2233-007-Methods of Calculus - Klingler, Lee.txt'
>>>f = 'c:\\somefolder\\somefolder2\\201308 - (82608) - MAC 2233-007-Methods of Calculus - Klingler, Lee.txt'>>> + '\s-\s\(\d{5}\)\s-\s\w{3}\s\d{4}-\d{3}-[^\.]+\.txt', f).group(0)
'201308 - (82608) - MAC 2233-007-Methods of Calculus - Klingler, Lee.txt'
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