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Send Post Request To Web Services In Python

I need to consume a several's SOAP web services, if I send a xml file as request I get the response without issues. But I want to send only some arguments and not all the xml file

Solution 1:

Time has passed, but maybe someone finds it useful:

This is snippet from my project. You can add parameters directly to method.

SUDS is very powerful in that way, and of course check out docs.

from Tkinter import *
from suds.client import *


    def__init__(self, master):

        self.client = Client('', username='', password='', faults=False)

        Button(master, text='Call', command=self.request).pack()


        methodName = 'ConvertWeight'

        params = [80, 'Kilograms', 'Grams']

        MethodToExecute = getattr(self.client.service, methodName)

            response = MethodToExecute(*params)
        except WebFault as e:
            response = e


root = Tk()
app = SoapClass(root)


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