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Static Files Not Loaded In A Bottle Application When The Trailing Slash Is Omitted

I am serving a test file through apache using Bottle. Following are my apache config: WSGIDaemonProcess temp user=www-data group=www-data processes=1 threads=5 WSGIScriptAlias /tem

Solution 1:

The Problem

The problematic line is this one:

<link rel="stylesheet"type="text/css" href="static/prettify.css" />

The address of the CSS file is a relative one, thus the full absolute address is computed from the loaded page location.

For, it will be (correct).

For, it will be temp is considered to be a file in the root directory, not a subdirectory of its own right.

The Solution

There is no viable way to use a single relative address for referring to the static resources. Your application will likely to have “nested” paths like /article/some-name, or /view/content/566, or something like this, as well as paths as simple as /.

You can try to specify a root-based path, like /temp/static/prettify.css, in your template, but this means you will have to change the template if you relocate the app itself (say, to from

Instead, you need to tell the framework to make the correct path to the resource you need to use. Bottle has a function named get_url to facilitate this. Unfortunately, it's not mentioned in the Bottle tutorials.

The Code

Here's what you should do.

In template.tpl, call get_url referring to the static handler:

      href="{{ get_url('static', filename='prettify.css') }}" />

In, import get_url:

from bottle import Bottle, run, route, static_file, view, template, 
                   post, request, get_url

Then, name your handler so you can pass its name to get_url:

@app.route('/static/<filename>', name='static')defserver_static(filename):
    return static_file(filename, root='static')

Finally, supply the actual get_url as the template argument when rendering the template:

@app.route('/') defindex(): 
    return template('template', text='This is index page!', get_url=get_url)

Alternatively, instead of supplying get_url in every handler, set up a template default in

fromBottleimportSimpleTemplateSimpleTemplate.defaults["get_url"] = app.get_url

Caveat: The last method seems to be undocumented, but was explained by the Bottle's author on the mailing list.

Final Thought

As every page on a website should have a canonical address, you might want to choose one form (either with a trailing slash or without one) as canonical, and add some kind of redirect from the other one.

Solution 2:

Another workaround is to add this redirection in your Apache configuration file :

RedirectMatch301 ^/(temp)$ /$1/

This will add a / at the end of your index page, so you don't have to modify your code.

Solution 3:

One workaround is to add:

<base href="/temp/">

to the head in the template.

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