Tweepy: Attributeerror: 'tuple' Object Has No Attribute 'followed_by'
Solution 1:
First of all, if you read the twitter doc carefully, the raw API returns {target: .., source: ..}, not {followed_by: .., ..}
Secondly, you are working with Tweepy, which is a wrapper of the raw API. According to the Tweepy doc, it returns a friendship
object ( However, it does not explain how we can use this object. Going to its source,, it returns a tuple source, target
Both source
and target
has a followed_by
attribute. I'm not sure which one you are looking for, but here's how you would access them:
source, target = relationship
Solution 2:
Direct answer to your doubt & alternative approach to your goal (below)
For the newer version of Tweepy (3.5.0), the show_friendship()
returns a tuple of two elements, each one belonging to each user. For example:
result= api.show_friendship(A, B)
Returns the tuple
(Friendship(blocked_by=False, muting=False,..., screen_name = A, ...), Friendship(blocked_by=False, muting=False,..., screen_name = B, ...)
Then if you want to access the attribute followed_by
just do the following:
And you will get the attribute you are asking for.
Alternative approach to your goal:
If you need that just to check who is following you and who is not, a simple way to discover it is by getting the set difference between the people you follow and the people that follows you. In order to do so, you could apply the code I provide below:
import tweepy
Consumer Key = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX'
ConsumerSecret = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX'
AccessToken = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX'
AccessTokenSecret = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX'
#Keys for the program
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret)
auth.set_access_token(AccessToken, AccessTokenSecret)
#Inialize the API:
api = tweepy.API(auth)
#Get your followers and friends:
friendNames, followNames = [], []
for friend, follower in zip(tweepy.Cursor(api.friends).items(),
#Create sets to see who is not following you:
friendset = set(friendNames)
followset = set(followNames)
not_fback = friendset.difference(followset)
And the variable not_fback
will be a set with all the users that are not following you back.
Solution 3:
The @Jzbach's code has an error, the for cicles must to be separated because is improbable that you have the same number of followers and friends.
With this patch the script extract the right subsets
#Get your followers and friends:
friendNames, followNames = [], []
for friend in tweepy.Cursor(api.friends).items():
for follower in tweepy.Cursor(api.followers).items():
Solution 4:
You can change code like below.
Instead of this
use this line of code:
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