Unable To Write Data To Vertica Database Using Python Sqlalchemy - Type "text" Does Not Exist
I am trying to upload pandas dataframe into Vertica Database was able to setup the engine and query database using sqlalchemy. But when I try to upload data from pandas dataframe g
Solution 1:
Have faced similar thing at work, and have changed types using VARCHAR for the columns which are of string object
dtypedict = {} # create and empty dictionaryfor i,j inzip(df_para.columns, df_para.dtypes):
dtypedict.update({i: sa.types.VARCHAR})
return dtypedict
updatedict = updateType(df) # update the datafraame type
Solution 2:
Nice solution @calestini !
import sqlalchemy as sa
engine = create_engine('vertica+vertica_python://user:{}@host:5433/db_name')
df.to_sql(name='table_name', schema = 'schema_name', con = engine, if_exists='append', dtype = updatedict, index = False)
This is how the datatype dictionary looks after running your function:
{'custom_index': sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.VARCHAR,
'lastmodifiedbysales': sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.VARCHAR,
'linked_distributor': sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.VARCHAR,
'linked_reseller': sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.VARCHAR,
'number_of_licenses': sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes.VARCHAR}
Thanks !
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