Basic Python Socket Server Application Doesnt Result In Expected Output
Solution 1:
Before entering the main loop on the server side, you accept a connection:
connection, address = s.accept()
But then in the loop itself you begin by accepting a connection:
connection, address = s.accept()
buf = connection.recv(64)
print buf
As a result, you never read from the first connection. That's why you don't see any output.
Note also that it's wrong (for what you're trying to do) to accept a new connection on every iteration. Even if you keep making new client connections, the server will accept a connection on each iteration and read from the socket once, but then continue the next iteration and wait for a new connection, never reading more data sent by a client. You should be making multiple recv
calls on the same connection object instead.
You might find this tutorial helpful.
Solution 2:
There are multiple errors:
- socket.send() might send only partial content, use socket.sendall() instead
therefore even if your code sends all numbers and the server correctly receives them then it sees'01234567891011121314'
i.e., individual numbers are not separated- double socket.accept() mentioned by @Alp leads to ignoring the very first connection
- socket.recv(64) may return less than 64 bytes, you need a loop until it returns an empty bytestring (meaning EOF) or use socket.makefile()
#!/usr/bin/env python"""Send numbers in the range 0..14 inclusive as bytes e.g., 10 -> b'\n'
Usage: python [port]
"""import sys
import socket
from contextlib import closing
port = 8686iflen(sys.argv) < 2elseint(sys.argv[1])
with closing(socket.create_connection(('localhost', port))) as sock:
sock.sendall(bytearray(range(15))) # send each number as a byte
sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) # no more sends/receives
You need to know how numbers are separated in the data. In this case, a fixed format is used: each number is a separate byte. It is limited to numbers that are less than 256.
And the corresponding server:
#!/usr/bin/env python"""
Usage: python [port]
"""from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import socket
from contextlib import closing
host = 'localhost'
port = 8686iflen(sys.argv) < 2elseint(sys.argv[1])
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # ipv4 versiontry:
s.bind((host, port))
print("listening TCP on {host} port {port}".format(**vars()))
conn, addr = s.accept()
with closing(conn), closing(conn.makefile('rb')) as file:
for byte initer(lambda:, b''):
# print numerical value of the byte as a decimal numberprint(ord(byte), end=' ')
print("") # received all input from the client, print a newlineexcept KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Keyboard interrupt received, exiting.')
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