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Formatting Cells In Excel With Python

How do I format cells in Excel with python? In particular I need to change the font of several subsequent rows to be regular instead of bold.

Solution 1:

Using xlwt:

from xlwt import *

font0 = Font()
font0.bold = Falsestyle0= XFStyle()
style0.font = font0wb= Workbook()
ws0 = wb.add_sheet('0')

ws0.write(0, 0, 'myNormalText', style0)

font1 = Font()
font1.bold = Truestyle1= XFStyle()
style1.font = font1

ws0.write(0, 1, 'myBoldText', style1)'format.xls')

Solution 2:

For using Python for Excel operations in general, I highly recommend checking out this site. There are three python modules that allow you to do pretty much anything you need: xlrd (reading), xlwt (writing), and xlutils (copy/modify/filter). On the site I mentioned, there is quite a bit of associated information including documentation and examples. In particular, you may be interested in this example. Good luck!

Solution 3:

For generic examples of Excel scripting from Python, this snippet is very handy. It doesn't specifically do the "change font to regular", but that's just range.Font.Bold = False in a function otherwise very similar to the set_border one in that snippet.

Solution 4:

Here is a brief introduction to using xlwt and the complementary xlrd (for reading .xls files). However, the Reddit thread where I discovered that article has a huge number of useful bits of advice, including some cautionary notes and how to use the win32com module to write Excel files better (see this comment, for example) - frankly, I think the code is easier to read/maintain. You can probably learn a lot more over at the pretty active python-excel group.

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