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Handling Authentication And Proxy Servers With Httplib2

I'm attempting to test interactions with a Nexus server that requires authentication for the operations I intend to use, but I also need to handle an internal proxy server. Based o

Solution 1:

Can you show the full headers of the 401 response you're getting? Maybe it's not a basic auth request, maybe it's the proxy wanting its own authentication -- it's hard to guess without seeing said headers!

Edit: thanks for showing the headers (I reformatted them as "code" else they were unreadable).

As I suspected, it doesn't want "Basic", it wants some other (Nexus proprietary...?) "NxBASIC" authentication protocol -- I've never heard about it (I don't know anything about Nexus) and I imagine neither has the basic authentication handler you're using (even if NxBASIC somehow accepted plain Basic authentication, the handler, knowing only that it's a different protocol, would not offer such authentication).

So, first you need to research exactly what that NxBASIC thing is, and for that I suspect a SO question with the right tags might help. Then, depending on what you learn, comes the interesting issue of defining a handler for it...!-(

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