How Can I Update A .yml File, Ignoring Preexisting Jinja Syntax, Using Python?
Solution 1:
The solution in this answer has been incorporated into ruamel.yaml using a plugin mechanism. At the bottom of this post there are quick-and-dirty instructions on how to use that.
There are three aspects in updating a YAML file that contains jinja2 "code":
- making the jinja2 code acceptable to the YAML parser
- making sure the acceptable can reversed (i.e. the changes should be unique, so only they get reversed)
- preserving the layout of the YAML file so that the updated file processed by jinja2 still produces a valid YAML file, that again can be loaded.
Let's start by making your example somewhat more realistic by adding a jinja2 variable definition and for-loop and adding some comments (input.yaml
# trying to update
{%setxyz="123" }
A:B:-ip: {{ jinja.variable }}
-val1-val2# add a value after this one
-phone: {{ }}
name: {{ }}
- {{ xyz }}
# #% or ##% should not be in the file and neither <{ or <<{
The lines starting with {%
contain no YAML, so we'll make those into comments (assuming that comments are preserved on round-trip, see below). Since YAML scalars cannot start with {
without being quoted we'll change the {{
to <{
. This is done in the following code by calling sanitize()
(which also stores the patterns used, and the reverse is done in sanitize.reverse
(using the stored patterns).
The preservation of your YAML code (block-style etc) is best done using ruamel.yaml
(disclaimer: I am the author of that package), that way you don't have to worry about flow-style elements in the input getting mangled into as block style as with the rather crude default_flow_style=False
that the other answers use. ruamel.yaml
also preserves comments, both the ones that were originally in the file, as well as those temporarily inserted to "comment out" jinja2 constructs starting with %{
The resulting code:
import sys
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
yaml = YAML()
"""analyse, change and revert YAML/jinja2 mixture to/from valid YAML"""def__init__(self):
self.accacc = None
self.accper = Nonedef__call__(self, s):
len = 1forleninrange(1, 10):
pat = '<' * len + '{'if pat notin s:
self.accacc = pat
raise NotImplementedError('could not find substitute pattern '+pat)
len = 1forleninrange(1, 10):
pat = '#' * len + '%'if pat notin s:
self.accper = pat
raise NotImplementedError('could not find substitute pattern '+pat)
return s.replace('{{', self.accacc).replace('{%', self.accper)
defrevert(self, s):
return s.replace(self.accacc, '{{').replace(self.accper, '{%')
defupdate_one(file_name, out_file_name=None):
sanitize = Sanitize()
withopen(file_name) as fp:
data = yaml.load(sanitize(
myArray = data['A']['B'][1]['myArray']
pos = myArray.index('val2')
myArray.insert(pos+1, 'val 3')
if out_file_name isNone:
yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout, transform=sanitize.revert)
withopen(out_file_name, 'w') as fp:
yaml.dump(data, out, transform=sanitize.revert)
which prints (specify a second parameter to update_one()
to write to a file) using Python 2.7:
# trying to update
{%setxyz="123" }
A:B:-ip: {{ jinja.variable }}
-val1-val2# add a value after this one-val3
-phone: {{ }}
name: {{ }}
- {{ xyz }}
# #% or ##% should not be in the file and neither <{ or <<{
If neither #{
nor <{
are in any of the original inputs then sanitizing and reverting can be done with simple one-line functions (see this versions of this post), and then you don't need the class Sanitize
Your example is indented with one position (key B
) as well as two positions (the sequence elements), ruamel.yaml
doesn't have that fine control over output indentation (and I don't know of any YAML parser that does). The indent (defaulting to 2) is applied to both YAML mappings as to sequence elements (measured to the beginning of the element, not to the dash). This has no influence on re-reading the YAML and happened to the output of the other two answerers as well (without them pointing out this change).
Also note that YAML().load()
is safe (i.e. doesn't load arbitrary potentially malicious objects), whereas the yaml.load()
as used in the other answers is definitely unsafe, it says so in the documentation and is even mentioned in the WikiPedia article on YAML. If you use yaml.load()
, you would have to check each and every input file to make sure there are no tagged objects that could cause your disc to be wiped (or worse).
If you need to update your files repeatedly, and have control over the jinja2 templating, it might be better to change the patterns for jinja2 once and not revert them, and then specifying appropriate block_start_string
, variable_start_string
(and possible block_end_string
and variable_end_string
) to the jinja2.FileSystemLoader
added as loader to the jinja2.Environment
If the above seems to complicated then in a a virtualenv do:
pip install ruamel.yaml ruamel.yaml.jinja2
assuming you have the input.yaml
from before you can run:
import os
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
yaml = YAML(typ='jinja2')
with open('input.yaml') as fp:
data = yaml.load(fp)
myArray = data['A']['B'][1]['myArray']
pos = myArray.index('val2')
myArray.insert(pos+1, 'val 3')
with open('output.yaml', 'w') as fp:
yaml.dump(data, fp)
os.system('diff -u input.yaml output.yaml')
to get the diff
--- input.yaml 2017-06-14 23:10:46.144710495 +0200+++ output.yaml 2017-06-14 23:11:21.627742055 +0200@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
- {{ jinja.variable }}
- val1
- val2 # add a value after this one
+ - val 3
{% for d in data %}
- phone: {{ }}
name: {{ }}
0.15.7 implements a new plug-in mechanism and ruamel.yaml.jinja2
is a plug-in that rewraps the code in this answer transparently for the user. Currently the information for reversion is attached to the YAML()
instance, so make sure you do yaml = YAML(typ='jinja2')
for each file you process (that information could be attached to the top-level data
instance, just like the YAML comments are).
Solution 2:
One way to do this is to use the jinja2
parser itself to parse the template and output an alternate format.
Jinja2 Code:
This code inherits from the Jinja2 Parser
, Lexer
and Environment
classes to parse inside variable blocks (usually {{ }}
). Instead of evaluating the variables, this code changes the text to something that yaml
can understand. The exact same code can be used to reverse the process with an exchange of the delimiters. By default it translates to the delimiters suggested by snakecharmerb.
import jinja2
import yaml
defparse_tuple(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MyParser, self).parse_tuple(*args, **kwargs)
ifnotisinstance(self.environment._jinja_vars, list):
node_text = self.environment._jinja_vars
self.environment._jinja_vars = Nonereturn jinja2.nodes.Const(
self.environment.new_variable_start_string +
node_text +
def__init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MyLexer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.environment = Nonedeftokenize(self, source, name=None, filename=None, state=None):
stream = self.tokeniter(source, name, filename, state)
for t in stream:
if environment._jinja_vars isNone:
if t[1] == 'variable_begin':
self.environment._jinja_vars = []
elif t[1] == 'variable_end':
node_text = ''.join(
[x[2] for x in self.environment._jinja_vars])
self.environment._jinja_vars = node_text
yield t
return jinja2.lexer.TokenStream(self.wrap(
my_stream(self.environment), name, filename), name, filename)
jinja2.lexer.Lexer = MyLexer
if kwargs.get('loader') isNone:
kwargs['loader'] = jinja2.BaseLoader()
super(MyEnvironment, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._jinja_vars = Noneif reverse:
self.new_variable_start_string = self.variable_start_string
self.new_variable_end_string = self.variable_end_string
self.variable_start_string = new_variable_start_string
self.variable_end_string = new_variable_end_string
self.new_variable_start_string = new_variable_start_string
self.new_variable_end_string = new_variable_end_string
self.lexer.environment = self
def_parse(self, source, name, filename):
return MyParser(self, source, name,
The jinja2 parser scans the template file looking for delimiters. When finding delimiters, it then switches to parse the appropriate material between the delimiters. The changes in the code here insert themselves into the lexer and parser to capture the text captured during the template compilation, and then when finding the termination delimiter, concats the parsed tokens into a string and inserts it as a jinja2.nodes.Const
parse node, in place of the compiled jinja code, so that when the template is rendered the string is inserted instead of a variable expansion.
The MyEnvironment() code is used to hook in the custom parser and lexer extensions. And while at it, added some parameters processing.
The primary advantage of this approach is that it should be fairly robust to parsing whatever jinja will parse.
User Code:
def dict_from_yaml_template(template_string):
env = MyEnvironment()
template = env.from_string(template_string)
return yaml.load(template.render())
def yaml_template_from_dict(template_yaml, **kwargs):
env = MyEnvironment(reverse=True)
template = env.from_string(yaml.dump(template_yaml, **kwargs))
return template.render()
Test Code:
with open('data.yml') as f:
data = dict_from_yaml_template(
data['A']['B'][1]['myArray'].append('val 3')
data['A']['B'][1]['myArray'].append('<< jinja.variable2 >>')
new_yaml = yaml_template_from_dict(data, default_flow_style=False)
- ip:
- myArray:
- {{ x['}}'] }}
- {{ [(1, 2, (3, 4))] }}
- {{ jinja.variable }}
- val1
- val2
- ip:
- myArray:
- {{ x['}}'] }}
- {{ [(1, 2, (3, 4))] }}
- {{ jinja.variable }}
- val1
- val2
- val 3
- {{ jinja.variable2 }}
Solution 3:
In their current format, your .yml
files are jinja templates which will not be valid yaml
until they have been rendered. This is because the jinja placeholder syntax conflicts with yaml syntax, as braces ({
and }
) can be used to represent mappings in yaml.
>>> yaml.load('foo: {{ bar }}')
Traceback (most recent call last):
yaml.constructor.ConstructorError: while constructing a mapping
in"<string>", line 1, column 6:
foo: {{ bar }}
found unacceptable key (unhashable type: 'dict')
in"<string>", line 1, column 7:
foo: {{ bar }}
One way to workaround this is to replace the jinja placeholders with something else, process the file as yaml, then reinstate the placeholders.
$cattest.ymlA:B:-ip: {{ jinja_variable }}
Open the file as a text file
>>>withopen('test.yml') as f:... text =>>>print text
- ip:
- myArray:
- {{ jinja_variable }}
- val1
- val2
The regular expression r'{{\s*(?P<jinja>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*}}'
will match any jinja placeholders in the text; the named group jinja
in the expression captures the variable name. The regular expression the same as that used by Jinja2 to match variable names.
The re.sub function can reference named groups in its replacement string using the \g
syntax. We can use this feature to replace the jinja syntax with something that does not conflict with yaml syntax, and does not already appear in the files that you are processing. For example replace {{ ... }}
with << ... >>
>>>import re>>>yml_text = re.sub(r'{{\s*(?P<jinja>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*}}', '<<\g<jinja>>>', text)>>>print yml_text
- ip:
- myArray:
- <<jinja_variable>>
- val1
- val2
Now load the text as yaml:
>>> yml = yaml.load(yml_text)
>>> yml
{'A': {'B': [{'ip': ''}, {'myArray': ['<<jinja_variable>>', 'val1', 'val2']}]}}
Add the new value:
>>> yml['A']['B'][1]['myArray'].append('val3')
>>> yml
{'A': {'B': [{'ip': ''}, {'myArray': ['<<jinja_variable>>', 'val1', 'val2', 'val3']}]}}
Serialise back to a yaml string:
>>> new_text = yaml.dump(yml, default_flow_style=False)
>>> print new_text
- ip:
- myArray:
- <<jinja_variable>>
- val1
- val2
- val3
Now reinstate the jinja syntax.
>>>new_yml = re.sub(r'<<(?P<placeholder>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)>>', '{{ \g<placeholder> }}', new_text)>>>print new_yml
- ip:
- myArray:
- {{ jinja_variable }}
- val1
- val2
- val3
And write the yaml to disk.
>>>withopen('test.yml', 'w') as f:... f.write(new_yml)...
$cat test.yml
- ip:
- myArray:
- {{ jinja_variable }}
- val1
- val2
- val3
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