How To Recognize Chinese Or English Name Using Python
Solution 1:
If you have the lists of typical Chinese and English names and the problem is performance only, I suggest you convert the lists into sets and then ask for membership in both sets as this is much faster than finding out whether an element is present in a large list.
Solution 2:
Well, that's a pickle.
If the professor's names were written in Chinese, the obvious answer would be to check each character in the name. This answer gives us a clue that many commonly-used unicode "chinese" characters are in the range 19968 - 40959.
def is_chinese(var):
iford(var) >= 19968 and ord(var) <= 40959:
return True
If your hypothetical Chinese professors have their names written using characters in those ranges somewhere in their bio, you need only search for a few characters in that range to get a reasonable answer.
However, if you already have a list of Chinese names, @SheepPerplexed has probably supplied the quickest way.
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