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Installing Python Environment (windows 10)

Some years ago I installed Python 2 from the installers in their homepage. Later I needed to use Python 3 and it was a problem. (Later I uninstalled and installed anaconda) On that

Solution 1:

If you go vanilla Python installation, it'll require you to install both from the official site.

Then, there's the Pyenv project which manages python versions / virtualenvs, but I think that's only Linux and Mac

If you'd like Data Science & Big Data tools, you'd want the full blown Anaconda, which takes up a reasonable amount of space, and it's unlikely you'll use everything it provides.

Anaconda developers probably realized that, and so they maintain Miniconda on the side and is just bare Python (one version, as per the installer), plus the conda utility.

And with conda, you can manage additional environments

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