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Plotting Series Using Seaborn

category = df.category_name_column.value_counts() I have the above series which returns the values: CategoryA,100 CategoryB,200 I am trying to plot the top 5 category names in

Solution 1:

You can pass in the series' index & values to x & y respectively in sns.barplot. With that the plotting code becomes:

sns.barplot(head.index, head.values)

I am trying to plot the top 5 category names in X

calling category.head(5) will return the first five values from the series category, which may be different than the top 5 based on the number of times each category appears. If you want the 5 most frequent categories, it is necessary to sort the series first & then call head(5). Like this:

category = df.category_name_column.value_counts()
head = category.sort_values(ascending=False).head(5)

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