Python: Matching Values From One List To The Sequence Of Values In Another List
Really need help. I've confused myself with loops and hit a brick wall. I have two lists. e_list = [('edward', ''), ('jane',''), ('jackie', '')...] and
Solution 1:
for name, digits in e_list:
shortest = sorted([d for l, d in a_list if digits.startswith(d)], key=len)[0]
print name, digits, shortest
Solution 2:
Sort a_list first, and then do the loop to check.
a_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
for e in e_list:
e_key = e[1]
for a in a_list:
a_key = a[1]
if a_key.startswith(e_key):
print a_key, "in"break
After the sort, the short digit string in a_list will come first, so in the loop you only need to find the first match.
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