Python: Search For A Str1 In A Line And Replace The Whole Line With Str2
I have a file in which I need to search for STR1 and replace the whole line containing STR2. For example the file1 contains the following data Name: John Height: 6.0 Weight: 190 Ey
Solution 1:
You can use string.find()
to determine if a string is within another string. Related Python docs.
#! /usr/bin/pythonimport fileinput
for line in fileinput.input("file1", inplace=True):
if line.find("Name:") >= 0:
print"Name: Robert"else:
print line[:-1]
Solution 2:
Should do exactly what you want.
def replace_basic(key_to_replace, new_value, file):
f = open(file, 'rb').readlines()
with open(file, 'wb') asout:
for line in f:
if key_to_replace in line:
out.write(new_value+'/n') #asuming that your format never changes then uncomment the next line and comment outthis one.
#out.write('{}: {}'.format(key_to_replace, new_value))
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