Remove Duplicates From List Of Dictionaries Within List Of Dictionaries
I have list: my_list = [{'date': '10.06.2016', 'account': [{'name': 'a'}, {'name': 'a'}, {'name': 'b'},
Solution 1:
This structure is probably over complicated, but it gets the job done.
my_list = [{'date': '10.06.2016',
'account': [{'name': 'a'},
{'name': 'a'},
{'name': 'b'},
{'name': 'b'}]},
{'date': '22.06.2016',
'account': [{'name': 'a'},
{'name': 'a'}]}]
>>> [{'date': date,
'account': [{'name': name} for name ingroup]
} forgroup, date inzip([set(account.get('name')
for account in item.get('account'))
for item in my_list],
[d.get('date') for d in my_list])]
[{'account': [{'name': 'a'}, {'name': 'b'}], 'date': '10.06.2016'},
{'account': [{'name': 'a'}], 'date': '22.06.2016'}]
Solution 2:
def deduplicate_account_names(l):
for d in l:
names = set(map(lambda d: d.get('name'), d['account']))
d['account'] = [{'name': name} for name in names]
# even shorter:
# def deduplicate_account_names(l):
# for d in l:
# d['account'] = [{'name': name} for name inset(map(lambda d: d.get('name'), d['account']))]
my_list = [{'date': '10.06.2016',
'account': [{'name': 'a'},
{'name': 'a'},
{'name': 'b'},
{'name': 'b'}]},
{'date': '22.06.2016',
'account': [{'name': 'a'},
{'name': 'a'}]}]
# [ {'date': '10.06.2016',
# 'account': [ {'name': 'a'},
# {'name': 'b'} ] },
# {'date': '22.06.2016',
# 'account': [ {'name': 'a'} ] } ]
Solution 3:
Sets can only have hashable members and neither lists nor dicts are - but they can be checked for equality.
you can do
def without_duplicates(inlist):
for e in inlist:
if e not in outlist:
return outlist
this can be slow for really big lists
Solution 4:
Give this code a try:
fordin my_list:
forkin d:
if k == 'account':
v = []
ford2in d[k]:
if d2 not in v:
d[k] = v
This is what you get after running the snippet above:
In [347]: my_list
[{'account': [{'name': 'a'}, {'name': 'b'}], 'date': '10.06.2016'},
{'account': [{'name': 'a'}], 'date': '22.06.2016'}]
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