Replace Multiple Characters In A String Using A Set Of Rules
Rules in applyRules is going to be asked to users, but it does not work what it should work which is [“character1:substitution”, “character2:substitution”] When user put ['
Solution 1:
If you have multiple rules, this becomes cumbersome. As long as your replacements are done on single characters, you can make this easy with str.translate
. That, however, doesn't solve the problem of chained replacements, so you'll have to make use of a while
loop that runs until there are no more changes.
def applyRules(string, rules):
mapping = str.maketrans(dict(x.split(':') for x in rules))
while True:
new = string.translate(mapping)
ifstring == new:
breakstring = newreturnnew
In [1308]: applyRules('bbbbb', ['b:c', 'c:d'])
Out[1308]: 'ddddd'
Single Character Replacement
For replacement involving a single character, the solution simplifies. You could use a dictionary with get
def applyRules(char, rules):
mapping =dict(x.split(':') for x in rules)
while True:
new = mapping.get(char, char)
ifchar == new:
breakchar = newreturnnew
This should be much simpler.
Solution 2:
You need to apply each and every rule and also, preserve the new string at the same time since strings are immutable in python. You can use translate of str
class. Following code works
def applyRules(char, rules):
modified = charfor rule in rules:
r = rule.split(':')
table = str.maketrans({r[0]:r[1]})
modified = modified.translate(table)
return modified
print(applyRules('bbbbb',['b:c','c:d'])) #prints 'ddddd'print(applyRules('abdecbc',['b:c','c:d'])) #prints 'addeddd'
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