Reverse Int As Hex
I have int in python that I want to reverse x = int(1234567899) I want to result will be 3674379849 explain : = 1234567899 = 0x499602DB and 3674379849 = 0xDB029649 How to do that i
Solution 1:
>>>import struct>>>struct.unpack('>I', struct.pack('<I', 1234567899))[0]
This converts the integer to a 4-byte array (I
), then decodes it in reverse order (>
vs <
Documentation: struct
Solution 2:
If you just want the result, use sabiks approach - if you want the intermediate steps for bragging rights, you would need to
- create the hex of the number (#1) and maybe add a leading 0 for correctness
- reverse it 2-byte-wise (#2)
- create an integer again (#3)
f.e. like so
n = 1234567899# 1
h = hex(n)
iflen(h) % 2: # fix for uneven lengthy inputs (f.e. n = int("234",16))
h = '0x0'+h[2:]
# 2 (skips 0x and prepends 0x for looks only)
bh = '0x'+''.join([h[i: i+2] for i inrange(2, len(h), 2)][::-1])
# 3
b = int(bh, 16)
print(n, h, bh, b)
to get
1234567899 0x499602db 0xdb029649 3674379849
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