Are There Any Ways To Scramble Strings In Python?
I'm writing a program and I need to scramble the letters of strings from a list in python. For instance I have a list of strings like: l = ['foo', 'biology', 'sequence'] And I wan
Solution 1:
Python has batteries included..
>>>from random import shuffle>>>defshuffle_word(word):... word = list(word)... shuffle(word)...return''.join(word)
A list comprehension is an easy way to create a new list:
>>> L = ['foo', 'biology', 'sequence']
>>> [shuffle_word(word) for word in L]
['ofo', 'lbyooil', 'qceaenes']
Solution 2:
import random
words = ['foo', 'biology', 'sequence']
words = [''.join(random.sample(word, len(word))) for word in words]
Solution 3:
You can use random.shuffle:
>>>import random>>>x = "sequence">>>l = list(x)>>>random.shuffle(l)>>>y = ''.join(l)>>>y
From this you can build up a function to do what you want.
Solution 4:
Like those before me, I'd use random.shuffle()
>>> import random
>>> defmixup(word):
... as_list_of_letters = list(word)
... random.shuffle(as_list_of_letters)
... return''.join(as_list_of_letters)
>>> map(mixup, l)
['oof', 'iogylob', 'seucqene']
>>> map(mixup, l)
['foo', 'byolgio', 'ueseqcen']
>>> map(mixup, l)
['oof', 'yobgloi', 'enescque']
>>> map(mixup, l)
['oof', 'yolbgoi', 'qsecnuee']
See also:
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