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How Can I Get Input From An Xbox One Controller In Python?

I want to add controller support to games I make in Python, but I cannot find any Xbox One controller input module for Python. I need specifically Xbox One controller support. Than

Solution 1:

You can use pygame as it reads joysticks (with the pygame.joystick class), it really doesn't matter what type of controller you use for pygame. An example is we want to make python print "A Has Been Pressed", when we press the 'a' button.

import pygame
joysticks = []
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
keepPlaying = True# for al the connected joysticksfor i inrange(0, pygame.joystick.get_count()):
    # create an Joystick object in our list
    # initialize them all (-1 means loop forever)
    # print a statement telling what the name of the controller isprint ("Detected joystick "),joysticks[-1].get_name(),"'"while keepPlaying:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        # The 0 button is the 'a' button, 1 is the 'b' button, 2 is the 'x' button, 3 is the 'y' buttonif event.button == 0:
            print ("A Has Been Pressed")

Solution 2:

The inputs library can be used as an alternative to PyGame.

from inputs import get_gamepad
import math
import threading

    MAX_TRIG_VAL = math.pow(2, 8)
    MAX_JOY_VAL = math.pow(2, 15)


        self.LeftJoystickY = 0
        self.LeftJoystickX = 0
        self.RightJoystickY = 0
        self.RightJoystickX = 0
        self.LeftTrigger = 0
        self.RightTrigger = 0
        self.LeftBumper = 0
        self.RightBumper = 0
        self.A = 0
        self.X = 0
        self.Y = 0
        self.B = 0
        self.LeftThumb = 0
        self.RightThumb = 0
        self.Back = 0
        self.Start = 0
        self.LeftDPad = 0
        self.RightDPad = 0
        self.UpDPad = 0
        self.DownDPad = 0

        self._monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._monitor_controller, args=())
        self._monitor_thread.daemon = True

    defread(self): # return the buttons/triggers that you care about in this methode
        x = self.LeftJoystickX
        y = self.LeftJoystickY
        a = self.A
        b = self.X # b=1, x=2
        rb = self.RightBumper
        return [x, y, a, b, rb]

            events = get_gamepad()
            for event in events:
                if event.code == 'ABS_Y':
                    self.LeftJoystickY = event.state / XboxController.MAX_JOY_VAL # normalize between -1 and 1elif event.code == 'ABS_X':
                    self.LeftJoystickX = event.state / XboxController.MAX_JOY_VAL # normalize between -1 and 1elif event.code == 'ABS_RY':
                    self.RightJoystickY = event.state / XboxController.MAX_JOY_VAL # normalize between -1 and 1elif event.code == 'ABS_RX':
                    self.RightJoystickX = event.state / XboxController.MAX_JOY_VAL # normalize between -1 and 1elif event.code == 'ABS_Z':
                    self.LeftTrigger = event.state / XboxController.MAX_TRIG_VAL # normalize between 0 and 1elif event.code == 'ABS_RZ':
                    self.RightTrigger = event.state / XboxController.MAX_TRIG_VAL # normalize between 0 and 1elif event.code == 'BTN_TL':
                    self.LeftBumper = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_TR':
                    self.RightBumper = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_SOUTH':
                    self.A = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_NORTH':
                    self.X = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_WEST':
                    self.Y = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_EAST':
                    self.B = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_THUMBL':
                    self.LeftThumb = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_THUMBR':
                    self.RightThumb = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_SELECT':
                    self.Back = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_START':
                    self.Start = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY1':
                    self.LeftDPad = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY2':
                    self.RightDPad = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY3':
                    self.UpDPad = event.state
                elif event.code == 'BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY4':
                    self.DownDPad = event.state

if __name__ == '__main__':
    joy = XboxController()

The buttons and triggers are returned as a list in the read methode. So put in there what you need to be returned.

This is part of a script of the Tensorkart project by bzier. I just removed everything that was not related to capturing the controller inputs.

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