How To Calculate The Distance From A Given Point On The Surface Of A Square To Its Edge With Any Given Direction?
I am trying to figure out what the distance is from a point to the edge of a square's surface (regardless of its angle of direction). I've attached a rough drawing of what I'm talk
Solution 1:
As far as I understand, you define coordinates and direction and want to find intersection edge point. Make equations for moving along both coordinates and calculate the first time of intersection. There is no magic way without if's
vx = Cos(Direction)
vy = Sin(Direction)
x = x0 + vx * t
y = y0 + vy * t
//potential border positions
if vx > 0 then
ex = x2
ex = x1
if vy > 0 then
ey = y2
ey = y1
//check for horizontal/vertical directions
if vx = 0 then
return cx = x0, cy = ey
if vy = 0 then
return cx = ex, cy = y0
//in general case find times of intersections with horizontal and vertical edge line
tx = (ex - x0) / vx
ty = (ey - y0) / vy
//and get intersection for smaller parameter value
if tx <= ty then
return cx = ex, cy = y0 + tx * vy
return cx = x0 + ty * vx, cy = ey
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