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On_press In Kivy Keeps Running At Start Up Instead

I'm having the problem where the application is running the on_press command of a button immediately before anything else happens. If I us a .kv for the layout it works fine, but I

Solution 1:

You're not passing a callback into Button, you're actually executing the function at that point. Change this:

launchbutton = Button( text =row[0], background_normal ='tile.png', 
    on_press = self.Launcher(row[1]) 

To this:

launchbutton = Button( text = row[0], background_normal = 'tile.png', 
    on_press = lambda: self.Launcher(row[1])

Now you're passing in an unnamed function that will call self.Launcher when an on_press event is raised, rather than setting it to the return result of self.Launcher when the Button is created.

Update: for some reason, on_press and on_release events aren't actually assigned to callbacks in Button.__init__, the events themselves are just registered with no outcome. (This seems a bug to me, but I'm not familiar enough with Kivy to say for certain.) You need to explicitly bind the callback for it to work:

launchbutton = Button( text = row[0], background_normal = 'tile.png' )
launchbutton.bind( on_press = lambda widget: self.Launcher( row[1] ) )

Note that the callback actually receives an argument, which I've included as widget in the lambda.

Update 2: I should have caught this earlier, sorry, but I had reduced my local test case down to one button. When you do this in a loop:

funcs = []
for x in xrange(10):
    funcs.append( lambda: x)

Every call to funcs[n]() where n in [0..9] will return 9, and not the value of n as expected. The lambda has created a closure which includes x from the surrounding scope. However, the value of that x changes over the course of the loop, and by the end it is 9. Now all lambdas in funcs are holding a reference to 9. You can avoid this by adding the value you want to the lambda's local scope:

    funcs.append( lambda x=x: x)

This points the lambda local variable x at the same object as is referred to by the loop variable x in the outer scope. It's more obvious what happens if we use different variable names:

    funcs.append( lambda inner_x=x: inner_x)

But the x=x form is very common in this case. So, to ensure that each button uses the correct value, you should be able to do:

launchbutton.bind( on_press = lambda widget, appname=row[1]: self.Launcher( appname ) )

Here, you bind the current value of row[1] to appname in the lambda's local scope, so that's what it will pass to Launcher when it's called.

Solution 2:

Working Code. create a CSV file with the following structure


save as test.csv

from import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.config import Config
import csv
import os

    defLauncher(self, launchapp):
        #os.system(launchapp)print(f"Application to be launched is {launchapp}")

        layout = GridLayout( rows = 4, row_force_default = True, row_default_height = 100, col_force_default = True, col_default_width = 300)
        withopen('test.csv', 'r') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='|')
            for row in reader:
                launchbutton = Button(text = row[0])

                launchbutton.bind( on_press = lambda widget, appname=row[1]: self.Launcher( appname ) )
        return layout

        Config.set('graphics','width', 1920)
        Config.set('graphics', 'height', 400)
        Config.set('graphics', 'maxfps', 30)
        return AppBase().BuildLayout()
if __name__ == '__main__':

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