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Working With Comparing Dataframes And Series And Generating New Dataframes On The Fly In Python Pandas

I am creating a function that compares a dataframe (DF) to a series (S) and eventually returns a new dataframe. The common column is 'name'. I want the function to return a datafr

Solution 1:

Don, So, let's go:

# with this tables 
In [66]: S
0    aaa
1    bbb
2    ccc
3    ddd
4    eee
Name: name, dtype: object

In [84]: df
    a   b   c name
0  39  71  55  aaa
1   9  57   6  bbb
2  72  22  52  iii
3  68  97  81  jjj
4  30  64  78  kkk

# transform the series to a dataframe
Sd = pd.DataFrame(S)
# merge them with outer join (will keep both tables columns and values).# fill the NAs with 0
In [86]: pd.merge(Sd,df, how='outer').fillna(0)
  name   a   b   c
0  aaa  39  71  55
1  bbb   9  57   6
2  ccc   0   0   0
3  ddd   0   0   0
4  eee   0   0   0
5  iii  72  22  52
6  jjj  68  97  81
7  kkk  30  64  78

is that it?

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