Best Way To Parse Xml In Appengine With Python
I am connecting to for book information and their response looks like this:
Solution 1:
use etree:)
>>>xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>...<ISBNdb server_time="2005-02-25T23:03:41">... <BookList total_results="1" page_size="10" page_number="1" shown_results="1">... <BookData book_id="somebook" isbn="0123456789">... <Title>Interesting Book</Title>... <TitleLong>Interesting Book: Read it or else..</TitleLong>... <AuthorsText>John Doe</AuthorsText>... <PublisherText>Acme Publishing</PublisherText>... </BookData>... </BookList>...</ISBNdb>"""
from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree
tree = etree.fromstring(xml)
>>>for book in tree.iterfind('BookList/BookData'):...print'isbn:', book.attrib['isbn']...for child in book.getchildren():...print'%s :' % child.tag, child.text...
isbn: 0123456789
Title : Interesting Book
TitleLong : Interesting Book: Read it or else..
AuthorsText : John Doe
PublisherText : Acme Publishing
Solution 2:
There is an excellent Python module called BeautifulSoup. Use the BeautifulStoneSoup class for XML parsing.
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