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Check If Number Has A Digit Multiple Times

I've come across a puzzling challenge. I have to check if a number contains the same digit multiple times ex. 11, 424, 66 and so on. at first this seems easy enough but i'm having

Solution 1:

If your ultimate goal is simply detecting if there's a double, this function may help:

    returnlen(set(str(n))) < len(str(n))

Solution 2:

The best way I can think about is converting the number to a string and doing a Counter on it

from collections import Counter
a = 98
c = Counter(str(a))
ifany(value > 1for value in c.values()):
    print"The number has repeating digits"

@Two-BitAlchemist thanks for the suggestion

Solution 3:

looks like you wanted to create your own algorithm probably researching or a student practice well you just have to understand the properties of numbers divided by 10 where 1/10 = 0.1 10/10 = 1 13/10 = 1 reminder 3 13013/10 = 1301 rem 3 hence we can create a function that stores the reminders in an array an check them against the reminder of next number here is the algorithm in python using recursion, you can achieve the same via loops

    next_number = int(number/10);
    reminder = number % 10;
    if(next_number < 1):
        for num in foundDigits:
            if(num == number or num == reminder):
    return countNumber(foundDigits,next_number)

example in interpreter could be

digitsFound = list()
countNumber(digitsFound, 435229)

Solution 4:

Solved this! I didn't know pop executes based on position not value! remove is a better fit here.

arr = [[1,40],[1,10]]for i in arr:
    l = list(range(i[0],i[1]))
    for num in l:
        if num < 11: continue
        forcharin str(num):
            if str(num).count(char) < 2: continue

Solution 5:

Here is my solution, its simple and works for 2 digit numbers.

nums = list(input().rstrip().split())

    for number in nums:
        if number[0] == number[1]:


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