Compute The Nth Day From The First Event Within Each Group In Pandas
This is a follow-up question from my other question: I have the following data frame, subsetted from my original data frame, with columns ob, event, unixtime, and day, and I want
Solution 1:
In [46]: firstdays = df.groupby('ob').day.first()
In [47]: firstdays
a 2012-09-03
b 2012-09-04
c 2012-09-03
d 2012-09-03
e 2012-09-01
f 2012-09-02
Name: day
In [48]: df.apply(lambda row: (row['day'] - firstdays[row['ob']]).days + 1, axis=1)
343340 1
343341 1
343342 1
343343 5
343344 1
343345 1
343349 1
343350 1
343351 1
343352 1
343353 5
343354 8
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