How To Iterate Through Each Line Of A Text File And Get The Sentiment Of Those Lines Using Python?
Currently, I'm working on Sentiment Analysis part. For this I have preferred to use Standford Core NLP library using python. I'm able to get the sentiment for each sentence using t
Solution 1:
I'll give this a stab, but as I commented, I'm not really qualified and this code will be untested. The lines added or changed are marked with # <<<<<<
from pycorenlp import StanfordCoreNLP
nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('http://localhost:9000')
results = [] # <<<<<<
with open("/Users/abc/Desktop/test_data.txt","r") as f:
for line in'\n'):
print("Line:" + line)
res = nlp.annotate(line,
'annotators': 'sentiment',
'outputFormat': 'json',
'timeout': 1000,
results.append(res) # <<<<<<for res in results: # <<<<<<
s = res["sentences"] # <<<<<<print("%d: '%s': %s %s" % (
" ".join([t["word"] for t in s["tokens"]]),
s["sentimentValue"], s["sentiment"]))
I would imagine that for line in'\n'):
could probably be replaced with the simpler for line in f:
, but I can't be sure without seeing your input file.
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